Principles and Practices of Distance Learning
Summer 2020
In a globalized world, learning to work effectively with teammates from diverse backgrounds is compounded by remote environments.
How might we become intercultural collaborators in an online course?
Students will work together on a design competition, applying their collective understanding of intercultural collaboration and the design processes.
Target Audience: Industrial Design Seniors and first year graduate students at Iowa State University
In a globalized world, learning to work effectively with teammates from diverse backgrounds is compounded by remote environments. During this course, students will learn to become intercultural and interdisciplinary collaborators through teamwork during various design competitions. At the end of this course, students are expected to submit their design to a competition assigned to them.
Credits: Rachel Shannon, Ana Luz
Project: Create a template for Industrial Design to deliver virtual studios
Course: Project-based application of industrial design concepts and techniques delivered through TBL (team-based learning) and PBL (project-based learning) pedagogies.
Module 1: Team Collaboration (2 weeks, TBL)
Students will uncover different modes of working through collaborative teamwork.
Module 2: Design Processes (2 weeks, PBL)
Students will learn about different design processes and develop their own design competition brief in teams.
Module 3: Design Competition (10 weeks + 1 week for final presentation/reflection, TBL, and PBL)
Students will apply skills from previous modules.
Overall Course Learning Objective:
By the end of this course, students will be able to:
Identify the 4 steps of effective collaboration in a team-based project.
Identify the 4 steps double diamond design process used in the field of Industrial Design to solve design problems.
Apply the knowledge of effective team collaboration and design process to compete in national or international design competitions.
Course Outline:
How might we create a studio environment during synchronous sessions? How do we define a studio workspace?
Time and Milestones:
16-week studio-based course
3 hours, 3 times a week
Format per session: 1h plenary, 1.5h break out rooms, 0.5h wrap-up (plenary questions, next steps, and task list)?
Module 1: Team Collaboration (2 weeks, TBL)
Goal: Students will learn about group work and team dynamics towards collaboration across cultures
Four principles underlying Team-Based Learning (Michaelsen & Richards 2005):
Groups should be properly formed (e.g. Intellectual talent should be equally distributed among the groups). These teams are fixed for the whole course.
Students are accountable for their pre-learning and for working in teams.
Team assignments must promote both learning and team development.
Students must receive frequent and immediate feedback.
Learning Objectives for Module 1, students should be able to:
Recognize individual work styles to establish relationship-building opportunities.
Understand and discuss personal values and core beliefs to unpack any implicit biases prior to embarking on intercultural teamwork.
Establish trust through empathy and how awareness of self and others plays a role.
Distinguish communication styles to reduce uncertainty and promote social exchange when giving or receiving constructive feedback through critique .
Design shared goals in various team collaborations.
Outline for the module:
4 Steps to effective team collaboration
Identify individual assets
Access the gaps and advantages in the team’s skill sets
Establish roles for each member
Be accountable to your responsibilities.
Topical Outline:
Discovering Your Work Style
Six Dimensions of Intercultural Teamwork
Understanding Core Beliefs
Values and Biases
Establish Trust Through Empathy
How Do You Assess Information?
Double Diamond
Decoding Communication Styles for Constructive Feedback
Practice Critique
Design Shared Goals
Innovating together
SWOT (strength, weakness, opportunities and threats) Analysis of individual and team
Reflection after the activity to access whether this activity was essential and beneficial. To understand their takeaways of this module.
Module 2: Design Processes (3 weeks, PBL)
Goal: Students will learn about different design processes and develop their own design competition in teams
Project-Based Learning: student-centered pedagogy that involves dynamic classroom approach where students learn by actively engaging in real-world and personally meaningful projects.
Learning Objectives for Module 2, students should be able to:
Identify multiple design processes and demonstrate its applications to real-world problems
Research, organize, and articulate a position on a topic both visually and verbally
Analyze and synthesize idea generation through a design process
Outline for the module:
Develop their own design competition applying a design process
Present their design competition + reflection
Module 3: Design Competition Project (9 weeks, TBL and PBL)
Goal: Students will apply skills from previous modules to a design competition of their choice
Learning Objectives for Module 3, students should be able to:
Evaluate existing solutions to address new challenges
Collaborate on a team to develop a unique solution to a problem by implementing the design process
Practice critique; the ability to provide and take constructive feedback to aid in co-creation
Outline for the module:
What is TBL? (2019, May 20). Retrieved May 31, 2020, from
What is Project-Based Learning? (n.d.). Retrieved May 31, 2020, from
Murdoch-Kitt, K. M., Emans, D. J. (2020). Intercultural Collaboration by Design: Drawing from Differences, Distances, and Disciplines Through Visual Thinking. United Kingdom: Taylor & Francis.
SMART Goals: – How to Make Your Goals Achievable. (n.d.). Retrieved May 31, 2020, from
11 lessons: Managing design in global brands. (2017, November 03). Retrieved May 31, 2020, from
SWOT Analysis: – How to Develop a Strategy For Success. (n.d.). Retrieved May 31, 2020, from